Manoli’s Story

Manoli is an all-star trader at Warrior Trading who earned his $2 million badge. When Manoli began trading he was a recent college graduate working at a mortgage company. He began to get word of other people trading stocks and making money in the market, and he decided to give it a try himself. He began taking a few trades here and there and before he knew it, he was trading on his computer at the office.  

While still working for the mortgage company, Manoli asked his boss if he could change his work schedule so he could trade in the mornings. His boss agreed. Manoli would get to work early, and trade, but not start his work until a little later in the day. He recalled one day when he had such a bad morning trading that he simply went home instead of clocking in for his regular work shift. He recalled another day when his co-workers were all watching over his shoulder as he made more in 1 trade than many of them make in a month of work. 

Eventually, it became clear that his focus needed to be dedicated to trading. Manoli put in his notice and is now a full-time day trader.

Manoli’s Strategy

Manoli is an aggressive momentum trader who is comfortable trading with large size when the market is hot. When the market is cool, he’s become good at sitting on the sidelines until things pick up again. In contrast to many beginner traders who focus on small base hits and little scalp trades each day, Manoli focuses on forming a thesis for a trade and wants to see the whole trade through. 

Trading with commission-free brokers has also allowed Manoli to feel comfortable trading penny stocks and lower-priced stocks in general. During hot cycles of momentum, these types of stocks can offer greater percentage returns for traders like Manoli.


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