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Warrior Trading Blog

Day Trading in an RV!

What’s up everyone? All right. Well, I’m on the roof of the van, the camper, and we’ve got the internet set up. This is another day of trading on the go using, well, a couple of different internet sources.


Click here ? Camping & Trading to get Ross’s pdf on Traveling and Trading. ✈️ ? ?

During this episode, I’ll break down the internet that I’m using. I’ve got my Starlink here, SpaceX Starlink, and then I’ve got a mobile hotspot here. We’ll do a side by side comparison which one’s faster, which one’s better for day trading on the go.

For those of you guys, whether you’re trading in a camper like this or you’re just trading in a hotel room, your traveling trading station has different requirements than the trading station at home.

What I’ve put together is a PDF of my traveling trading station set up. That PDF includes, number one, the equipment, number two, the internet, and then number three, the strategy because the strategy’s important. I trade differently on my traveling trading station than when I’m at home, and that’s to mitigate the additional risks of trading when I’m traveling and also to focus kind of on the whole goal of it, which is to trade for an hour, make a little bit of money and then enjoy vacation to help pay for the cost of the vacation.

This is the rig. This is the setup right here. I’m going to bring this… Well, actually I’ll just leave them both up here. I’ll keep that up there and I’ve got the solar here, so the nice thing about this location is I’ve got good exposure. This is orienting itself slightly to the north, so good exposure. The solar panels are charging and that lets me do my work for just a little bit. Now we’re going to climb carefully down the ladder.

Okay. There we go. All right. I’ve got a little shower here, so it’s not that bad. I mean kind of roughing it, but only kind of. That’s the camper with a nice little car seat right here for my son and he’s keeping himself occupied right now. This is the traveling trading station. It’s the same traveling trading station I’ve used all over the place in Europe, different parts of the US, the Caribbean, everything else. Anyways, that PDF will break down the different equipment that I’m using in this traveling trading station.

Now let’s go ahead and jump onto the screen. I’ll do a speed test side by side comparison, and I’ll talk a little bit about the stocks that I traded tonight. All right, let’s jump onto the screen.

All right. Now that we’ve got the screen up, the first thing we’ll do is speed test. Let’s do a good old fashioned speed test here and see what the internet is coming out at. This first connected to the SpaceX Starlink and let’s press go. All right. Right now, 37 ping, that’s good. 90, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150 megabits per second, we are smoking. I mean this is awesome, and that’s a ping down to New York City. New York, New York. Ooh [inaudible 00:03:15] sounds like a motorcycle maybe. I don’t know. Big truck. Big truck, I think. Upload is 10, not phenomenal, but it was fine enough to broadcast to YouTube this morning. Fine enough to broadcast to Warrior All Access members, so that was great.

I’m going to pull up two things here. Let’s see. First I’m going to pull my scanners up, so let me log in here. Then while I do that, I’m going to switch to my Verizon hotspot and let’s see what the speed test is on the Verizon hotspot. All right. While that’s coming up, UC, yeah. Okay. We’re good there. Am I switched over? It says I am, so let’s try a second speed test now on the Verizon hotspot.

All right. Now we’re on Verizon and it’s going through Greenfield, Mass. I don’t know why it’s going there. It’s kind of a long ways away, but all right. Ping is 145 milliseconds, so that’s significantly longer. Download is 10, 11 megabits per second. You can see, I mean clearly it’s not as fast right here where I’m at. I’m not on 5G. It said 4G, but I don’t even think this is 4G. I mean it’s not really running all that fast. The upload speed is slow.

The funny thing is yesterday when I was day trading, the campground I was at had good internet service. The internet was great, but I really wanted to use the Starlink. There were too many trees, so the Starlink was not working. I wasn’t able to get a good connection. I drove to a Walmart parking lot. The Walmart parking lot, Starlink was great, but I didn’t have 5G internet. I trade, do my trading, hold on a second. I did my… You want me to open that?

I did my trading at the Walmart parking lot, and then I leave. As soon as I got on the highway, which was like half a mile away, my phone switches to 5G. It’s super fast on Verizon, but at the Walmart parking lot, I didn’t have 5G. It was just LTE. Kind of weird, but I think that’s the nice thing about having just a backup is you have a fail safe. If one fails, you’ve got the other, that’s good in case you’re in a trade and then just flexibility.

All right, so let’s see. UC, interestingly this is the one that I traded today and did the best on. This one had a really big day yesterday. It’s had three big days in a row, but you can see it’s now starting to roll over a little bit, which is not surprising. I mean, honestly, I sort of thought that this was going to be like a liquidation kind of event where we pop up and then we sell hard. That seems to be pretty much what’s happening. Moves in pre-market, selling during regular trading hours on higher volume, that’s sort of a telltale sign there of that liquidation.

In any case, it did give some good opportunities yesterday. Yesterday was our leading gap, gapping up over 100%, and we had awesome micro pullback there. Actually a five minute pullback, but somewhat premature. A really nice setup right through here and a little break there, false break, nasty whip, flush, back up, down, false break out, and then it sold off until 5:00 AM this morning when it started to rip back up. No, I’ll pass. I’ll have one in a little bit.


Then, this morning, we had another move and this is where I traded it. We got this nice break right here, this squeeze up, a little pullback right here and a move higher. At that point this morning, it was our second leading gap. We’re up 25, 22%, whatever it was. It was pretty obvious, but I was a little cautious on it, trade it with smaller size. When we locked up, $632 of profit on it. All things considered a fairly small green day for me. I didn’t hit the daily goal, but at the same time I got green.

My whole goal with trading and traveling is get green and shut it down and go enjoy the day. I don’t want to sit here until three and four in the afternoon. It defeats the whole purpose. All right? I don’t want to do that. 650, not a bad day, that pays for another day of being out on the road. It’s more than enough to fill up this puppy here with fuel, so I’m fine with that. Yeah, it’s just a good feeling. It’s a good feeling of self-sufficiency to be on the road, to make a little bit of money and then be able to go about and do your thing.

I don’t like taking vacation. I like going places, but I don’t like not working. Everyone’s different. For those that are digital, make their money online, digital nomads, whether you’ve got some online business or whatever it is, there’s so many people doing that right now, it seems so easy to work for one or two hours a day, and so why not? It gives me a feeling of I’ve done something, I’ve achieved something. I hit my goal. It just feels good. I mean I’m not saying it’s not good to sometimes disconnect and take vacation, but ultimately if you can build in a lifestyle that gives you a feeling of purpose where you have your work, and then you’re able to put that totally aside and then enjoy the rest of the day without working, then that’s a pretty healthy work life balance.

I mean that seems pretty solid to me. Not able to always do it, but anyway, so yeah. UC, oh, and ISIG, this one popped up on the scans, was gapping up this morning. Got one little trade on it, but only made… Well, I was green and then gave back some profit, but $16, whatever. It’s not really noteworthy. Anyways, that’s it for me trading on the traveling trading station in a camper using Starlink. All right. If you want to check out another video of me talking about trading with Starlink, I’ll put the link to that probably right up here so you can check that out. I’ll see you for the next episode.