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Warrior Trading Blog

Making A Living Working From Home – My Ideal Job

If you have spent any amount of time on social media you’ll see day traders flaunting the life style of traveling around the world, staying at the nicest hotels and driving the fanciest cars.

Typically these posts show traders easily making the $1k/day goal on a laptop while sitting in a hot tub or a swimming pool.  This style of marketing is all about selling the life style of the rich and famous.  We aren’t doing that here, in fact, we’re going to come right out and say it, day trading is extremely risky and most people lose money trading.  Despite the fact that I’ve been very successful, the “lifestyle” is not why I started day trading.  I started day trading for much more humble reasons.

How to Work From Home: Turning To Wall Street For A Simplified Life

While many turn to Wall Street to try to get rich or become a millionaire, I turned to Wall Street seeking a financially sustainable lifestyle so I could work from home and live a quiet life in Vermont.

I thought if I could make an extra $200/day it would allow me to live a simple life.  Although I’ve always wanted to be successful, I didn’t define success as making millions from the stock market.  I define success as getting up every morning and loving what you’re doing.  Ironically, the people who love what they do are often the ones who are positioned to become millionaires because that passion gives way to success.

I have a strong belief that it’s the passion that leads success, not the other way around.  That’s why I strive to nurture a passion in our students, knowing that passion will keep them fighting for success through the struggles every trader will inevitably face.

When I was first tossing around the idea to become a day trader it wasn’t because I could get rich or travel the world.  I wasn’t buying into the marketing I saw online.  I wanted to day trade because I thought it would allow me to make $200/day to cover my living expenses while working just 2hrs/day.

That would leave me the rest of the day to pursue my hobbies, garden, and spend time with family and friends.  I though like any other mundane job, day trading would simply be a means to an end.  I didn’t expect day trading would become my passion.

Scaling Profits from $200/day to $600/day

Once I started generating consistent profits I realized the only difference between making $100-200 and day and making $600-800/day was position sizing.  I started taking larger positions and scaling my strategy.

I opened Warrior Trading in 2012 to create a hub where traders could connect & exchange ideas. Today, I’m working with thousands of beginner traders to teach them the exact same strategies I use everyday.  My passion has lead to my success, even though it was unexpected.

Some of our students share my same passion & dedication for the markets, while others truly use the markets as a means to an end.  They trade the first 2hrs then go enjoy their hobbies.  Both are enjoying success, albeit in slightly different ways.

This year I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to day trade from France, California, New York City, Rhode Island, and Las Vegas.  Although I sometimes live the lifestyle other traders like to brag about, I avoid bragging or even mentioning that I’m traveling.  I’ve realized that the majority of our students want to day trade so they can supplement their income and achieve financial freedom.

It’s not so they can live the lifestyle of the rich and famous.  While taking nice vacations can be a perk of being successful, it shouldn’t be what drives you to be successful.  I don’t believe materialistic things are a good motivator.  Having a passion is what sparks motivation & drive.  That’s why I try to nurture a passion in each of our students, even if it’s not a passion for day trading.

Remember, day trading is risky and difficult, but for those who are brave enough, we’re here to help you in your path to learning how it’s done.