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Warrior Trading Blog

Two Bagels or Financial Freedom: The Choice is Yours


Two Bagels or Financial Freedom: The Choice is Yours


If you haven’t joined the Warrior Trading chat-room this week yet, you’re missing out on something big. In fact, for just five dollars (no strings attached, details here) you can get a sense of what this unique place is all about. For about the price of two bagels, you can experience what the daily routine is like for thousand traders that have reached financial freedom.

Personally, I am amazed to see how many genuine and passionate people are populating the room every day, sharing trade ideas and adding value through meaningful contents and insights. If you’re still skeptical, this is what happens every day, all year round. It is a never-ending crowd feeding of deep knowledge and truth about trading.

That’s why I appreciate every single one contribution, because the reality is: there are no dumb questions to ask. It is completely normal to have doubts and being greedy to get them answered is the first step in the direction of collecting everything needed to succeed. Everyone with his own pace, here is where people can actually get to reach the dream of a lifetime.


We all started where you are

If you still feel like lost into the wild, you need to know that we all started where you are. So, here are a list of suggestions in order to make the shortest possible path to reach your goals: 

  • Invest in education: This is number one. Could you get self-educated about trading? Yes, you can. The only main issue is that I can bet it would take long months or years just to sort out the contents available in the internet. Let me put it this way, in order to get on top of a mountain would you go through the main road or would you get there by getting lost in the woods?
  • Know your own goals: Here is another big one. And I’m not talking about daily goals. Just think bigger. Would you like to be a full-time day trader? Or just looking to have this one as a part-time job? Each one of these is fine but knowing what your goals are will help you get what you want. How much revenue you’d like to get from doing this? Start building your own plan;
  • Work relentlessly: The one point that bought me into the WarriorPro program in 2015 was that there were no shortcuts promised. No schemes that would have made me earning tons of quick money. And I loved that, just because I’ve never been a believer in ultimate success without putting in the required amount of hard work;
  • Exercise patience: This is not less important of any other one. In order to get really consistent and long-lasting results there is just one secret, patience. Here is one past article I’ve written to specifically address this point. The key point is, you’ll need time to build up your own infrastructure. The good news is, market will always be here. And I mean it for real, it doesn’t matter if you are in your 40s, 50s or even 80s. Not even to mention if you’re 35 or younger. Do not force multiple steps in once, do not look for the big one trade that may change your life because this one may never happen but enjoy the journey instead;
  • Spend time listening to yourself: Among all, that’s probably my favorite one. Every one of us is unique and nobody can know yourself better than you do. So, spending the maximum amount of time and personal resources on discovering self-awareness is critical (past blog post about it available here). This is what will tell you what kind of trader you are, what strategies work better for yourself and tons of other useful ideas. And there is more, this is what actually will change your life for good. That’s why I think this last point is the biggest of all.


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius


See you in chat-room.


Trade safe,


Roberto Barbaro