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Warrior Trading Blog

My Journey to Early Retirement


Hey there, traders! Ross here, and today, I want to share with you my personal journey to financial independence. It wasn’t an easy road, but with determination, strategic planning, I’ve been able to achieve a level of independence I never thought possible. But remember, as always, my results are not typical, and this is no guarantee for success.

Step 1: Reducing Burn Rate

The first step I took towards early retirement was to keep my burn rate as low as possible. Burn rate refers to the amount of money you spend each month, and it plays a crucial role in determining how much you need to save for retirement. I analyzed my expenses and made conscious decisions to cut back on unnecessary luxuries. For example, instead of spending hundreds of dollars on home heating oil, I started chopping my own firewood and using a wood stove in the kitchen. These small changes made a significant impact on my monthly expenses and helped me save more money.

Step 2: Increasing Cash Flow with Side Hustles

To accelerate my journey to retirement, I brought on a side hustle to increase my cash flow. While working a nine-to-five job has its limitations, side hustles provide an opportunity to generate additional income. I explored various options and found that building a business aligned with my passion and expertise was the best way to grow wealth. As someone knowledgeable about the stock market, I started making videos on YouTube, sharing my insights and experiences. This not only turned into a business but also provided a platform for passive income. By leveraging my expertise, I was able to scale up my earnings and generate a steady cash flow.

Step 3: Saving Like Crazy

Saving money became my top priority on this journey. I set specific goals for myself, starting with saving $5,000, then $10,000, and so on. Each milestone I reached motivated me to save even more. It required discipline and sacrifice, but the long-term benefits were worth it. By saving aggressively, I was able to accumulate a substantial amount of money that would support my retirement plans.

Step 4: Investing Wisely

While saving is crucial, investing wisely is equally important. I educated myself about different investment strategies and sought professional advice to make informed decisions. I diversified my portfolio, investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate. This allowed me to grow my wealth and generate passive income even during retirement. It’s essential to remember that investing comes with risks, so thorough research and careful consideration are necessary to make sound investment choices.

Step 5: Building a Business for Long-Term Success

Building a business was the key to achieving financial independence within a short timeframe. It doesn’t have to be a massive tech startup; it can be as simple as leveraging your knowledge and passion. By identifying a niche and exploring opportunities within it, you can create a business that generates consistent cash flow. For me, it was sharing my expertise in the stock market through YouTube videos. This not only provided passive income but also allowed me to scale up my earnings over time.


Retiring in just five years from zero may seem like an impossible feat, but with the right mindset, determination, and strategic planning, it’s possible. By reducing my burn rate, increasing my cash flow through side hustles, saving aggressively, investing wisely, and building a business, I was able to achieve financial independence. It wasn’t always easy, and there were sacrifices along the way, but the freedom and fulfillment I now experience are priceless. So, if early retirement is your goal, start taking these steps today and pave your own path to financial independence. Remember, it’s never too late to start working towards your dreams! I hope you found my journey and the steps I took interesting and inspiring. Thanks for joining me on this incredible journey, and remember, the power to retire early lies within you!